News24 : A satellite and cable pay television channel in Bangladesh's Bengali language that specializes in news programming is called News24. It is owned by East West Media Group, a division of Bashundhara Group, and it started broadcasting on July 28, 2016. The Bashundhara Residential Area in Baridhara is where News24 is headquartered.
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News 24 Online Live TV

The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission issued East West Media Group of the Bashundhara Group a broadcasting license in November 2013 to run News24. In January 2015, it obtained its frequency allotment. In February 2016, the organization unveiled its official logo. Test transmissions on the channel started on March 26, 2016. One of the nine Bangladeshi television networks, News24, signed a contract with in May 2016 to subscribe to Prism, a video-based news organization run by kids. The channel began broadcasting in full on July 28, 2016. On February 1st, 2021, News24 started broadcasting in high HD. The new News24 logo went live on March 26, 2021.