On Thursday, actress Mauni Roy embarked on a new adventure. He has changed his name from Mauni Roy to Mauni Nambiar. This Bengali woman's wedded life began. Mauni married Suraj Nambiar, a Dubai-based banker and businessman, in a lavish ceremony yesterday. Their wedding reception took place in a five-star hotel in Goa.
I Finally Found You |
'I've finally tracked you down. We clasped each other's hands. With the blessings of family and friends, we are now married. I send you all my love and best wishes. 'With love, Suraj and Mauni.' Mauni honestly admits in her heartfelt post that she has finally discovered the man in her head. On social media, this television and Bollywood actress has shared photos of some of the most vivid moments of her marriage.
Suraj is seen putting vermilion on his scalp in a photo provided by Mauni. Suraj is wearing a Mangalsutra around Mauni's neck in another photo. Mauni's post also captures the moment when they exchanged words with each other. In every photo he's shared, there are a slew of congratulatory messages.
Suraj, Mauni's spouse, is the son of a Bangalore Jain family. As a result, the cultures of the two regions appeared to converge in the magnificent wedding hall. Mauni and Suraj tied the knot in two languages: Malayalam and Bengali. Mauni tied the wedding with Suraj this morning in Malayalam custom, dressed as a southern bride. They were tied forever, according to the Bengalis, at the conclusion of the day. Arjun Bijlani, Mandira Bedi, Omkar Kapoor, Ashka Goradia, Pragya Kapoor, Vanisa Walia, Nidhi Kundra, and many more were present at the wedding, in addition to their family friends and relations.
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